Monday, March 12, 2007

A Fun Day in the Sun

We went to the beach on Sautrday and had a great time! We went with Mike & Abi, David, Amanda & Sydney and Cameron & Lori. The guys brought their 4-wheelers and we played all day. We got there around 3 o'clock and didn't leave until after 10!

David and Amanda brought their BBQ pit. Burgers, hotdogs and sausage, oh my! Plenty of food, drinks and nice weather. We tried to make a fire, but were having some bad luck. The logs wouldn't catch on fire, so it kept dieing out. Finally, my wonderful husband came to the rescue!...and so did Sydney's poor Sunday School homework! We finally got it started after my husband soaked the logs in a bath of gasoline.

Of course, I forgot to charge up my camera batteries before we left. It died after we were there only a few minutes, so I wasn't able to get any great pics. : /

But, enjoy a few of the ones I was able to get.

Our friends got stuck and had to get pulled out!
Whoops! : )

David (not my David) & Amanda's beautiful daughter, Sydney.

Quick pic before camera died!

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